Testimonials |
"This way of learning a language made complete sense to me. Working with the SpeakEZ German course, I was able to understand more in 2 weeks than in five years of German in school!" -- Asbjørn Finsnes
"The way in which this method is presented provided me with language that will suit me in a foreign country instead of a collection of unusable vocabulary words.
Those who have studied languages realize that looking-up individual words cannot convey a language in the correct manner. Becoming fluent means being able to verbalize ideas ; not learning technical rules and identifying the Past Predicate Indicative.
The audio part of this method has been my favorite portion of the learning process. Not only is the pronunciation slow and clear, but it is presented so that I remember the flow of sentences and concepts.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with this amazing program; it has been a blessing for me."
-- Destiny Yarbro, College Student
Learning Spanish?
Announcing Breakthrough New Course Guaranteed to Reveal How to Understand Spanish in Under 10 Hours!

From: Nathalie Fairbanks, Glendale, NY
Tuesday, 8:30 am
Dear Spanish Student,
been in your shoes. I've sat in language classes with very kind
teachers who would never get tired of explaining grammar rules. I've
done role-plays where I was scrambling for words.
I've felt like a fake trying to make these Russian tongue-twisters come out smoothly. I've
been an expert at talking in Spanish while flipping through the
vocabulary lists at the back of the textbook.
I was giving it my best. And yet, after months and months of this, I still got a panic attack when a native speaker said something - she seemed to use NONE of the
words I had learned! Plus, she'd talk so fast that I'd give up trying
to understand after a few minutes.
I was wasting my time!
Are you wasting YOUR time?
Let me guess.
- Are you spending hours a week memorizing vocabulary, and when you need to use it, you draw a blank?
- Can you tell me the page number for each of the German cases in your textbook, but when you want to say something, you guess the endings anyway?
- Can you recite verb forms in all tenses and still pick the wrong one when you talk about last night's dinner?
- Do you mentally check out when someone talks to you in Spanish, because it sounds like one endless Spanish noodle?
- Do you feel that before you've wrapped your head around a new grammar topic, the class moves on to add ANOTHER layer of grammar?
- Are you great at filling in blanks in a grammar exercise, but can't compute the endings fast enough when you start saying something?
- Did you "take" 2, or 3, or 6 years of Spanish and still don't feel confident in speaking it?
- Are you translating everything you hear back into English in your head. and it takes far too much time?
- Have you spent hundreds of dollars on language courses, classes, textbooks, etc. and are wondering WHEN you'll finally be able to speak Spanish fluently?
And I have found a better way!
Secrets of Language Learning Success - FINALLY!
You see, I've learned several languages so far, and I have a lot of experience in what NOT to do.
Once I found out what does work,
I was so excited that I decided to start teaching languages myself. (I
was working on Wall Street at the time.) I've been teaching for years
now. I've written several books on the subject, too, including my
latest book, "The Birkenbihl Approach: Brain-Friendly, Accelerated
Language Learning."
What I can't stand is
seeing people who believe they're stupid, or just not talented enough
to learn a language. If you happen to be one of them, realize that it
is a direct result of the way you are taught!
I've been watching
this for a long time now. I've wanted to do something to help students
like you. I know just how frustrating this "stop and go" in language
learning is.
I've finally found a way to do it!
While continuing my research into language learning (something I began many years ago when I had my first students), I heard of a groundbreaking book written in the 80's.
I tell you what it is, let me say this: This book has been a
best-seller in Germany and is currently in its 31st printing. Its
author, Vera F. Birkenbihl, is a pioneer of efficient learning and has
sold over 2 million titles about teaching people how to REALLY use their brains.
The book is "Language Learning Made Easy," written in German: "Sprachenlernen leichtgemacht."
So, although you might not be able to read the book in German, I have extracted the groundbreaking principles spelled out in the book and asked my Peruvian colleague María del Carmen Muley to help me create a Spanish course based on Ms. Birkenbihl's findings.
And what nobody knows is that this is the only way to learn about these findings in English, anywhere!
I was so thrilled when I read her book that I started trying it out for myself. Within 29 hours, I could understand Spanish. Then I decided to contact her and ask for permission to publicize her language learning approach in U.S. She was delighted.
spent years trying it out on my German students. I conducted studies to make
sure this really works - the results were phenomenal! My students were
stunned to hear themselves speak German after just a few hours and with almost NO EFFORT!
Look at the facts:
- In one of the studies, students raised their listening comprehension levels by an AVERAGE of 321% after just 10 classes.
- Individual students increased their listening comprehension by 1,300% -- that's right: 13 times more than they understood at the beginning of the course!
- In a comparative study, students who spent 10% of their
learning time with our materials (2 hours a week) scored 11% higher
than the control group after only 6 weeks.
- One of the additional strategies that we discovered since will make your results SOAR high in the sky!
that all of the language courses that you've seen so far NEVER
mentioned the book "Language Learning Made Easy" to you. Notice that
your teachers never mentioned the legendary Vera F. Birkenbihl, either.
They couldn't! They couldn't because they didn't know about this information! This material had never been translated before, and only German speakers have benefited from it for decades - and now YOU can, too.
have taken all of the secrets, ideas and strategies developed in the
80's and I have taken the insights and tactics of Vera Birkenbihl's
ideas on brain-friendly learning and I have created and compiled a modern, practical and easy to follow Spanish course that will allow you to succeed LIKE NOBODY ELSE - strategies that you
can use TODAY to polish your Spanish skills and get your message across
to Spanish speakers around the globe!
This special course tells you, step by step, the groundbreaking secrets you need to know to STOP MEMORIZING Spanish vocabulary and learn HOW TO COMMUNICATE instead. Forget spending all of your free time in Spanish class. Grab this new course and learn to use this "magic" yourself! You'll save your sanity!
Now look at what you are going to receive and think of how all of this is going to save you time on getting fluent:
- Discover the tricks of brain-friendly learning - learning that your brain can't resist and will gobble down in big chunks - with our Spanish course!
- Finally understand how to tattoo new Spanish words into your memory once and for all - just like burning a CD!
- Learn how to grasp Spanish as easily as you understand English,
to converse with your Spanish friends and to write
love letters to your Spanish sweetheart.
- Get the details on how to boost your learning engine's performance and use these innovative insights on everything else you're learning!
- Guarantee comprehension by any Spanish speaker. This course will reveal the inside tips and tricks to get your
pronunciation so close to a native speaker's that your Spanish friends
will ask if you grew up in Latin America.
- Insure clear communication. Communication failures wreak havoc and can cost you dearly. This course
will get you to understand and use the subtleties of Spanish idioms as
intuitively as a native speaker!
- Think in Spanish from Day 1. Use Vera Birkenbihl's revolutionary steps to create a brand new space
for Spanish in your brain. Never ask "what's thank you in Spanish?" ever
again. This "paint by the numbers" approach will give you the CUTTING
EDGE only advanced students have and most students NEVER reach.

- "The Birkenbihl Approach - Brain-Friendly, Accelerated Language Learning",
a 54 page e-book I published in 2005 which outlines previously
undisclosed aspects of this groundbreaking method along with a
description of the studies I conducted with my colleague Claudette
Maier (Value $37)
- Your SpeakEZ Success Journal,
an invaluable tool which will dramatically boost your performance. It
holds you accountable for your learning and provides you with
checklists and guidance on the steps to take. You'll love it! (Value:

- A subscription to the biweekly Language Learning Express,
an e-mail newsletter which provides you with language learner insiders'
tricks of the trade and resources for language learning which will
exponentially speed up your learning curve! (Value $97)
Whew, that's a major package, isn't it?
You'll understand that I am not giving this away. The cost for the entire collection should be $1,000. Considering the priceless information you can't get ANYWHERE else (not even from renowned language professors), $1,000 would be a give-away.
But get this: order the package in 30 days and you can have it for only $97. And it all comes with a full money-back guarantee!
Look at the alternative:
- Sitting in a language class you paid hundreds of dollars for and progressing as slowly as a lame turtle.
- Or moving on to Lesson x of the course you already own, spending hours memorizing vocabulary that you won't be able to remember anyway.
chance to get this collection (well over 100 pages and a CD!) for only
$97 and have all the Spanish you can handle engraved in your memory
within ONE month is an AMAZING DEAL!
Why I'm selling so low.
do believe that mastering a new language does incredible things for
your self-esteem. In my experience, there are two things that hold
people back:
- Their past, unsuccessful experience with trying to learn a language and
- Their belief that language learning must be hard.
I have made it my mission to make this idiot-proof system available
to anyone who has a desire to learn. I've worked several years to
create this material. If you paid me my consultation time to learn all
these tricks, you'd be paying me several thousand dollars. $97 is a bargain!
What I am trying to do with this low offer is to get this material into the hands of those who will actually USE IT.
I'm hoping that's YOU.

case you want to make sure I'm a real live human being, here's my phone
number: (+1) 646-644-2914. Call me PERSONALLY if you have any questions.
Order this special package right now. Zip past the other students and let them wonder how you got your hands on the magic Spanish potion!

Nathalie Fairbanks
Author, The Birkenbihl Approach:
Brain-Friendly, Accelerated Language Learning; SpeakEZ German I&II
M.A. Foreign Language Teaching,
New York
Taught at
of Continuing and Professional Studies,
College, Chinatown Manpower Project,
Community Center, Technische Universität
Berlin, etc.
SpeakEZ Languages, LLC
72-12 62nd Street
Glendale, NY 11385
Phone 646-644-2914
E-mail: first.contact@speakezlanguages.com